Dear Heroin,
Has heroin addiction affected you? If you could say something to heroin, what would you say?
The purpose of this site is to provide a forum for individuals and families affected by heroin addiction to share their stories. We will do this by sharing open letters written to the drug, not to the individual. Heroin addiction does not discriminate. It reaches board rooms, suburbs and inner cities without concern. The public perception of a heroin addict is misguided. It is discouraging to hear people talking about heroin addiction being a choice or when they say "why don't these people just stop". It is true that the actions of addicts hurt. They hurt themselves and their families but it isn't the addict taking those actions, it is the addiction. Much research has been done on addiction but the purpose of this site isn't to regurgitate this. Our simple thoughts about addiction can be expressed from a quote by David Sheff in his book "Clean": It's another fact that proves most drug use isn't about the drugs but about coping with life, and some people have more to cope with than others.
The idea behind this site was developed long ago. With the recent string of deaths from fentanyl tainted heroin, the Vermont governer highlghting addiction in the state of the state address, high profile celebrity deaths and a war on drugs that has failed, the time to bring this public is now. Our mission is narrow. This is a place to write your letters and we will publish them. It is not about political persuasion or commentary. Addicts are often encouraged to write letters to their addiction during recovery. Whether you are an addict or just someone who has been affected by this affliction, we encourage you to write your letters, your feelings and we hope that it helps you better understand yourself and this disease. It is started with the concept of "If it helps just one person, it was worth it".
So, if you could say something to heroin, what would you say?